You’ve completed your project with Spagnolo Homes and your home is gorgeous! But what to put on the walls? Major pieces can be re-matted in colors to fit a new space, or re-framed if necessary.
But maybe you’d like to start fresh.
At Finishing Touches Custom Picture Framing in Wakefield, Rhode Island, we believe that walls reflecting your personality and your family story help to make a house a home.
Framed family pictures are wonderful. Clean and crisp lines are always a safe way to go, but sometimes it’s the embellishments that catch your eye and draw attention to what is most important.

The story of your life is often told in the memorabilia and objects that are carefully tucked away in a “special place” yet only viewed occasionally. Why not frame those objects so they can be enjoyed daily?
A stack of simple postcards or small themed watercolors can be framed to create a wonderful reminder of a special family vacation or magical time together.

A certificate, photo and objects grouped in one frame create a unified reminder of an amazing trip.

The delicate lace is pretty on its own, but adding small souvenir cards make a better reminder of that time and place.

Are you sports enthusiasts? How about framing that magazine you ran out and bought the day after that big win? Framing is a great way to protect it and you can enjoy it daily.

Has that pennant signed by Mickey Mantle been in the drawer all these years? Team stripes in the mat and the famous #7 make it a show stopper.
I hope that I’ve inspired you! Bring us your ideas and we’ll help you create something wonderful for your walls.
Consultations are always free. Mention Spagnolo Homes and we’ll give you a 10% discount on your first order.
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